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Ok...had to update due to this insane "coverage" on the site.
Wow....did I hit a nerve there, sweeties? I am honored to get such coverage on your website.
It's pathetic when an ADMIN of a prog (instead of asking how to remedy things and NICELY discuss issues)...decides to mimic my banner and dedicate an entire page to how unsubstantiated my claims are. First, I was angry....then--as I thought about it--and have realized since my mothers illness that life IS too short...and there will always be cold hearted, arrogant, and blind idiots who dont know how to communicate.

So...that written...I'd like to address a couple of points. One I found MOST humorous was the news on his front page that I cant AFFORD a REAL domain web address (I just use blogspot), how accurate could I be? That one is hilarious. First off..I can afford any domain & website I want...I do my blog as a service to protect them from idiot progs like dailyroi (for one).
I am about to go huge w/ the blog and my "other event" I havent disclosed yet.

It's amazing how HE (admin from dailyroi) can attack ME for not having anything other than ""--when HE--as an ADMIN-- takes security SO lightly as to have OPEN and SHARED servers. Now, he has some hullaballoo about why its not so bad to share servers.
note his point, though, that he WILL be going to dedicated soon...
LMAO...I bet you will obvious.

He spends time explaining how shared servers arent so bad...and how he doesnt want to pass on the "expense" of good dedicated servers on to his members.
HOW ludicrous a conclusion is that? To NOT do EVERYTHING to guarantee YOUR members' money is outrageous. THAT will cost them MUCH, MUCH more in the end...

If it's not such a big deal...why are you now promising to GO dedicated? (hmmmm)

How unprofessional to dog out a former member (yeah, I joined..because someone requested info on them...asked me to join to check things out.)...I would NEVER have posted that prog on this do so would put you ALL at risk.

Do you all want to be a part of a prog with lack of security and an admin who resorts to spending his time attacking a blogger?? and all because I mentioned his server sharing.
I could have EASILY displayed the TRUE Damning evidence of his past domain records...
Did I? No..In a private report..I would have.

I've seen people hit the nail on the head about his former 'adventure" and how it failed...yet, he has the arrogance to come after me simply for posting the TRUTH: Shared & open servers= crap in this volatile time in this industry.
you all cannot imagine what can happen with even an OPEN server....and its "old school' to have one now..and very easy to remedy.

To spend his time & energy on changing & displaying my banner on his front page and his whole bashing page when you click on the banner is astonishing.'s downright hilarious. He first emailed me telling me he didnt appreciate what I posted.
I responded nicely that open & shared servers were NOT good...(and did reiterate to him that Ev1 servers ARE good--which he has)....I ended with telling him I was still here to help...
but, I did also remind him that I would make a much better ally than enemy...(due to the tone of his first email). I posted in no forum about him..only on my blog--which I have every right & responsibility to do. If he doesnt like it: tough shit.

Run a top notch program --or I will hound all of your asses.
If you are a member of this program: you are making a BIG mistake...and I would advise you (based on his ineptness and disregard for security and spending whats necessary to protect YOUR MONEY!!!!!!!!!!) GET OUT NOW!

Run a check on those past domains...not pretty. Be smart: GET OUT! Any admin who resorts to immature & bashing behavior over that is not even worth your time, money, & energy.

On to other, more important items:

Network sites: yeah, TOS changes CAN mean red flags. Let me explain something.
I talked to Stormy in the midst of her 36 hr marathon of payouts (especially when alertpay's mass payouts was on & off)....this woman does it ALL.
SOMETHING had to change to preserve her energy and health.
When I wasnt back to teaching, I would spend 8-10 hrs at a time doing research...and it affected MY health...

This woman has planned the best network of programs you can imagine--with more to come.
I have talked EXTENSIVELY with her on money--
I will continue to put thousands in the programs I love.
This new TOS will save hours of, etc....
People (outside the network) are salivating at the thought of issues here...they all love negativity and promoting bullshit.
There is NOTHING wrong here.....things will transition...and all will go back to smooth flow.
Trust this team...and the fact that they know what they are doing to maintain the programs we all love...I have NEVER seen such a sharp business woman as Stormy...NEVER!

Cut them some slack...some think they are arrogant because they say: " if you don't like things: ask for a refund."
Well, Stormy & that team have no time or energy for negativity and whining.
If you dont agree with things...go somewhere else. There are waiting lines to get in to some of these...and for damn good reason.
She is running a sharp BUSINESS...not a ponzi...not a run of the mill surf site.
The basis/foundation in these is unlike anything I have ever seen. I am honored to work w/ Stormy...and that whole team.

Enough written on that.

I PM'd the main mod there--after he had pm'd me a few times after I joined.
I told him the admin had to, he did...but, we'll have to see what happens.
Any script that allows anyone to change eg acct #'s needs work.
That server set-up was, I hope the admin doesnt let it all go.
I DO know that other forums have claimed they are all ready a scam...and thats not fair.
I was paid according to TOS just 3 days ago...and so were all alertpay members that have reported to me.

Caution? yes, of course...anytime payouts are late...and communication bet caution.
I told all of you not to throw the farm at them...keep your caution on alert...but, dont spread rumors that it's a scam until we know more.


On to the 50/50 rule--I know many people dont like that--but, it makes sense as long as its done reasonably...and not to extinguish cash flow issues.
Midas has a tiered ref commission--so, I dont think cash flow is what sparked this..I think Andrew & Jay are planning ahead...and doing what it takes to maintain longevity.

24Dp/ PDS/PWS: Forget about all of them...sickening turn of events.
Liars...period. I should have NEVER taken 24DP off my caution list back in May.
Once again...I listened to "others' instead of my gut. Will was doing so well..I thought he deserved a shot.
Shame on the stringing a long job...then using PWS as a last hope for people to suck them dry some more. If you're going to be an arrogant least have the goods to back it up.

I will be joining MPVsurf soon...I believe Michael switched to new servers...and I think he is worth a closer look.

XLO: still top notch...

I'm off for sure to check out that hilarious dedication to me on dailyroi (click on the made up mimic banner of mine for "extra fun"). UPDATE: ITS gone, you all missed the fun.
And be sure to stay away...get away...RUN away from that one.

As Aways...

Happy Surfing

(and thanks as always for the supportive emails & love during this time for me & my fam)...
Love all you guys...

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