Network 'stuff': I get tons of emails & pm's on the Founders Positions. So..instead of typing the same things over & over; here we go:
These positions give you (for $ 150)...another entry into TMU...and guaranteed top positions in any matrix you choose to enter (mine included). Yes, one is named after me: Mrsveesays--it pretty much replaces my tutor program...because I can't do both.
The Founders is worth it--because top positions in these matrices helps cycle faster.
I've never liked matrices...BUT...I've found that where they fail: these will succeed because they offer a REAL product.
Anyhoo...yes, it's worth it IMO to be a founder....
Maybe you just joined TMU to get into the upcoming new 5 surf sites...and that's fine, too.
Maybe you'll never care about 'cycling' in TMU...ok! biggie.
Just sit back & enjoy the 5 new sites when they come online mid October.
The VIP section of the new forum is right now every night contemplating percentages...TOS, etc...allowing members to give feedback...on all facets of the new sites.
My links to TMU (along with others) on right. I am rotating others' banners for them to help them cycle. I dont want people worrying about this...we are all a team...
spillover happens...(it is in both of mine)....and it helps us all. I have only advertised my first main link to allow downlines of mine to cycle...
On the new network forum ( are awesome PDF files on HOW these matrices work...please check them out. I am still learning the 'ins & outs' of matrices myself (since I never cared for them)...
Let's work together...and earn some money...then when the new 5 sites come online...all will be 'more normal' again for sure. one: Payouts--enough multiple replying on that one for me.
As stated on forums: the people who opted OUT get paid first (as irritating as that may SEEM--it's for our benefit)...some were getting the late payouts from surf4mlm/ES/GS, etc from that B week and early A week...then 'changing their minds' and 'opting out' --then received more than what was fair. SO, since Stormy caught some of them...she knew she had to pay out the 'opting out' people FIRST...clear them from the, we can move ON.
Late payouts will resume fast after that...don't worry about being paid: IT WILL happen.
Refunds for opting out people are about done (1/5th left--if not less now)...
if THEY (who LEFT) are getting paid...dont even think we who stayed in WILL NOT.
So...those of you on the new forum know my news: for those who have not ventured to the new forum; you obviously do NOT. Pity....(lol)...
It will be good...par have my oath there...
NOW....on to other news: Other sites I trust & you should consider putting money in: (my links at right if you choose to use them)
XLO (of course)...Xlentxtra (Finer Things) : going VERY well!! Andy is top notch...go there--you wont be sorry.
Wicked-Hits & EZsurfnEarn
Command Surf
Sites I am in...and building trust with:
Desertskymarketing: Dustin seems to be building something here (with Israel from Command) really well planned. Corporate sites...and the info provided by Dustin checks out...
Treo-surf: I joined 2 wks ago...and feel Bob is doing well. I am thinking of joining his new one soon.
UltimateSurf: wanted to give KUDOS to Nick from Ultimate. He shares servers w/ Jason & Stacey from Wicked-Hits...he hit some bumps in the road..and is rebuilding. I find Nick to be a good guy...honest...and hard working. I am about to join his surf to show support.
I feel with guidance and support, Nick can make this work. IF you join...don't throw the farm here just Nick has some building to do. I choose to because I want honest admins supported...we need HONESTY & INTEGRITY. Choices we ALL make boil down to that bottom line, people...
IF we can keep THOSE facets of our lives in tact (for ones who ever had it to begin with)...we WILL make solid choices based on honesty...not greed and malevolency.
Midas-surf: Yes, I'm still in...concerned with late payouts...and know cash flow beginning to wean. Andrew is a good guy...the new site, no doubt, meant to help jump start Midas some...
It happens...doesnt mean it's bad...just means these sites are fulfilling their destiny: pay low...adapt to make more...come back...etc...and it goes on.
I will continue to support Andrew--due to his work ethic.
Stay aways (once again-for now):
Goldndaily: Geez...people...RUN.
FastPayPro (just do it...dont trust this one, please)
As Always,
Happy Surfing
The Network:
Stormy is working hard at getting refunds done...many posting now that they have received refunds if they opted out...and outstanding ES/Surf4mlm ones.
Keep in mind refunds are going as fast as possible--seeing as some who opted out may well have been ones whose accounts were still messed up when the overpayments occured.
Even though a small percentage opted's still a big enough number that it takes time to compare spreadsheets and make sure accts are squared away--refunds figured--and paid. Then those tickets will be closed. This is being done as fast as can be--since they need to be deleted off the database when the new sites are opened.
(Personal note: Those arent "excuses"--Wtraders --those are facts of what is occuring. It amazes me how people can be negative and insinuating when they dont even know someone. I try & get answers...and I'm making excuses. I was just as irritated at the 7 sites shutting down as anyone else...but, because I have a good relationship w/ Stormy and talk to her a lot--and post answers for people--I'm "making excuses"--whatever! Don't read here then if thats what you think. Get to know ME and my motives FIRST--then make "assumptions".)
NOW...on to the Matrix. I've never liked them (matrixes/cyclers)--honestly--this one I am liking--and I see how it differs from others I've is the way into the new 5 network sites--so, I'd get in.
People were worried they wouldnt get anyone under, I offered to put their linked banner here...(course, I cant have tons of these--but, a few at a time is fine--let me know)...
You all who read here and appreciate what I try and do..I hope you'll be happy to know I will be an integral part of the new set-up at The Network. My new venture I keep hinting at will be opening the same time the new 5 sites do (hopefully), I'm excited about that.
Teaching full time and stuff w/ my mom is making things more hectic...but, I love what is coming...and hope I can find enough time to do it I am always silly enough to think I can do.
I joined some new sites --XLO's Hyip--Xlenxtra/Finer Things. Andy is someone I think the world of...and I must tell you all this (even though he said NOT to
when I was going through that silly thing with an admin...Andy was so ticked at the situation--that he bought me a domain name he thought I'd like...just to be sweet to me and thank me--and to show me I'm cared for.
I was so touched...Andy, when we talked that day: I was in tears...
Just thought everyone would like to know what a GOOD MAN this is...
I was fully supporting him before this....but's a no brainer when generosity and kindness is seen in someone as well. He runs top sites...well planned...and he takes care of his members.
He has earned my trust & respect 10x over.
I joined Wicked-Hits other site as well: Ezsurfnearn.
I think Stacey & Jason do one heck of a job...I've liked them for awhile now...and mentioned that they have my support as well.
Other tidbits:
Andrew at Midas seems to be a tad late in some payouts...hopefully, he' ll get caught up after his time away...will post more this weekend on the status there...until then: just be careful.
I worked w/ Jake at ASA about getting Scotty's AP account I know Scotty is a good man as well. He is all ready refunding again...Scotty wants to come back...better script so things dont get nasty like before...and he will have my support as well.
Admins who show integrity are worth supporting: period.
People yell "scam" a tad too quickly for me...there's a difference between issues that arise with good admins who run into problems...and ones who just dont care & are out to take your money by smooth talk and true "excuses". Knowing the difference can be tough, for sure--but, it's all in the time one takes to find the truth...and get a 'feel' for what IS and ISN'T the truth...
and usually the REAL truth is somewhere in the middle (as with most multi-sided things).
Anyway, before I ramble on and on....I guess I still sometimes just dont 'get people'...maybe that's why I work with teenagers teaching--you get what you see pretty much.
Adults can just be plain nasty--mean--judgmental--(not all, of course)....
Sometimes I cant wrap my mind around HOW they can be these things..but, my issue is to figure out how not to care about it all. Just do my thing...protect people...answer their them I care....take care of them...and go on.
That's all any of us can do....
In this thing called life--we all search most of our lives for 'answers'. Answers to 'this' & answers to 'that'--do we ever find them? I wonder if we do...or if we just go on with some semblance of what fits us then & there. Maybe we are never supposed to find everything we want/need.
If we did have all of that-I guess we'd never know when things were REALLY good or REALLY bad...thus, we would never appreciate when the good shows itself.
Sorry for the philosphical post here...maybe it's my mom's illness that has me thinking more lately on life...on the 'why's'---?? Who knows...
Just know I'm here for you always. Thanks for the TONS of pm's & emails about my mom...and just overall support. It overwhelms me sometimes when I read them...and then I realize: I AM doing something good...and when I question myself about why I spend so much time doing what I do--I have the answer: All of you who love & support me.
As Always,
Happy Surfing
First off: will all work out, ok?
Now, I KNOW many of you are thinking: Hmmmm...funny how things switch right before the BIG payout week...
If you're thinking cash flow issues....that's your decision....I'm telling you Stormy would have been just fine on the money end. The time and physical end? Would have done her in.
MANY of the accts (ES & Surf4mlm) were STILL not rectified (cash balances still off, etc)...
When I talked to her 3 days ago--she was close to closing shop because she had no life left (normal everyday life with her family)...NO ONE could withstand that for this long.
She is NOT a quitter...period--which is why things are still here--changing? YES--gone? NO!
Now...Stormy told me when she switched to bi-weekly payouts--she wanted to do THIS (what was in the email last night) THEN...BUT, she didnt want to make people wait 18 days to make money again...she wanted everyone to be happy. Well, it didnt work out...not without her working another 2 wks solid of 16-18 hr days...more accounts to audit...fix...more late payouts..until the snowball got so big....she would have jumped off a bridge...
SO....this is NOT about cash flow issues for this week. The 40/60 rule is put in place NOW for the NEW 5 sites to halt hit & runners. Hit & runners WERE picking up recently in the network...and I dont care HOW big a prog gets...those over time deplete reserves...and cost everyone success.
40/60: You'll RE-upgrade with 40%......
The new 5 progs' ROI's will be determined BY the MEMBERS....Stormy did say none would be 'lame' ROI's....(no 1%'s)....
The ONLY way in IS to join the Matrix...period. This will enroll you in ALL 5 of the new programs--then you upgrade.
Now...what about our current money in here? ALL balances (surfing & cash) will be added up for all progs together. Whichever amount is BIGGER will be the amount that is split up into ALL 5 of the new progs on a 70/30 basis. 70% will go towards equal upgrades in all 5 surfs...and the 30% will go into your cash balance right away.
Example: You are in 3 of the CURRENT surfs now...your cash balance for ALL surfs together is $1200; your SURFING balance all together is $ 1000. You will get the $ 1200 spread over the 5 surfs using the 70% for upgrades & 30% in cash balances to build on right away.
ANYONE who upgraded in the last 24 hrs is being refunded today! You will NOT lose anything.
We will NOT lose's just being moved to the new 5 sites. The 18 days is necessary to form the ratio of all members' accounts & see which is higher.
This is why you'll need a screenshot/copied image of your back offices...for YOU to see which is higher all together.
The forum is locked right now...because all these issues MUST go through support right now to avoid conflicting questions...answers, etc.
Mods cannot possibly answer all these questions....and we all have them.
Follow the directions in the email...and let the network know simply if you're in or out.
If you opt will be refunded so you lose NOTHING. Whatever you put IN of your own money will be gained back if you choose to leave.
I have looked at the new model...and I wish she had just done this last week instead of going bi-weekly. I told her 3 days ago this wasnt helping her have rest in between...and I felt her wanting to cry many times we talked. Something HAD to change.
So, whine if you want....but, without THIS occuring--we would NOT have anything to earn.
It was this...or NOTHING--and I want you to understand that.
This has been the BEST place to earn off our debts...if she had emailed last night telling us she was done...and couldnt do it anymore--we would ALL be begging for ANYTHING.
Here it is...and it is good. You want longevity? It's here. You want another round of stable sites to earn? You have them.
Last night when I heard (an hr before the email went out)...I was shell shocked as well; confused....and frustrated..I didnt understand it all either...and as a surfer...I saw my hard work for months going...I was wrong--because I didnt understand the concept as well.
You won't lose a dime...Stormy wont let that will just take longer initially right now.
Let the Network thrive once will.
I told her the timing could have been better...and she agreed. I told her what people would think and she went: "Shoot--I was so exhausted--I wasn't thinking of all of those things people would think".
Think all the negative you want...and you have to choose what to believe....but, I am telling you..IMMEDIATE cash flow issues were NOT the reason.
IF it were...she would have re-opened ES and kept surf4mlm WIDE open to anyone who wanted in to cover that.
She thinks like an admin...a sharp business woman...and yes, this timing needed to be planned better--and she admitted that. But, she thinks long term...and not that people think negatively.
She knows this is needed and will keep the network alive for all of us.
Are you in.....or out?
The Network Unplugged!
More to come tomorrow--------
Have to remark on Paul's new TRR closing all ready. I spoke to Anita last night & told her had Paul made it a TOP priority to refund FASTER...maybe the "interest" in TRR would have spiked.
Expecting people to jump into a new site after losing money in the previous is just not realistic.
People will do almost anything to hang onto the hope that maybe if they join the 'new site'--the refund will come.
Be prudent, people....
now--some admins DO try hard to refund...and run into obstacles they just cant overcome....but, it's always a 'judgment call' for members to determine the level of trust they have w/ admins.
I would venture that 90% of them will never refund.
Reindeer Surf: Funny...I posted on the data I found that did NOT connect them to Wiredsurf. I spent an hour & a half tracing all routes...NONE matched even CLOSE.
Anyone who emailed me privately...I kept remarking, though, that there was SOMETHING I didnt like...something I couldnt pinpoint....but, in my gut I knew they wouldnt last.
Vipsurfclub: yeah, I apologized to Chris for correlating him w/, he seems to be having issues all ready.....hope that works out for members.
MTS: What a good server set-up gone to waste...ridiculous to let that all go...
GoldnDaily: I know I've posted this one is a stay away...ignore that advice at your own peril.
FPP: What did I tell you all from DAY ONE about this site?? I hope no one loses big.
I have joined treo-surf a week ago....havent posted as of yet (until now)--because I wanted to verify that all people owed money after the hacking (in 15HD) have been rectified somehow. I have gotten a few emails about ones who have not YET--but are now awaiting payout. If this occurs...I will feel better about supporting Treo.
Keep in mind--this will NOT have my full support as of yet.
My full supported sites still?
All Network sites (you 'ain't seen nothin' yet!!! Just wait to see whats coming!!!)...
Surf4MLM re-opens on the 13th...if you're smart: you'll get in NOW!! Get in as many as you can....because more surprises are around the corner.
As far as the Matrix: this is NOT like 24DP opening one to jump start anything--I saw the proto and idea for The Matrix awhile well as other plans you all wont see for some time yet.
You want TRUE business centered sites? You want ethicality? You want an admin who busts her ass for you? Then this is where you want to be.
XLO is another I fully support...Andy does an OUTSTANDING job of running this site. He knows that making the members happy is important--and that he does.
Wicked-Hits is becoming one I will fully support. Jason & Stacey do a great job w/ this site..and I need to join their new one soon.
Commandsurf is another one where the admins work hard to bring exciting ideas to the industry.
Word to admins:
If you cant put money into modifying a script: dont bother running a site. This industry is LOADED with people who can get into any base script...and even ones w/ basic modifications.
Other than the server set-up (which weakens any prog with a shitty script)...the script itself is the KEY to your success.
You want security? It starts w/ the script--or you make all members' monies at risk daily.
Once a prog grows--it's just that much harder to catch any nasties going on behind the scenes.
MOST progs are being ripped off right now...many just dont catch it until money is gone from their EG acct....
The it's the same old: " I was hacked...I'm so sorry...let's start over" story.
Bob from 15HD went through that and rebounded...which is impressive. I worry--it happened in his former site as well. Admins need to learn from those mistakes...and Treo's script appears much more secure.
Very soon ( I know I keep mentioning this)...members & admins will have a place to go where ONLY the creme' de la creme' will be allowed to be named: AWESOME.
As an admin--if you think you have what it can prove it soon.
Members: wondering about the little "surfers union" perpetuating?
You WILL have a place where admins will be scrutinized under MY microscope so you can feel safe. We're talking any detail that CAN be found....I will have the ability now to spend whatever it takes to find whatever it takes to prove they are WORTHY...or Kicked to the curb.
The surfers union isnt a bad concept...but, it depends on who is running it...and by the looks of it: I wouldnt give "donations" to the one named as 'running it'....why give your money to a union leader to take...rather than an admin? Cut off your nose to spite your face if you want...but, what you will have soon will be MUCH bigger & better than the 'union'.
Give me some time to see where I will be in dealing w/ my mom--and I'll announce it very soon.
I dont want any of you to worry about the Network sites...I have talked to Stormy SO much about money...plans....details that excite, shock, & please me.
I have thousands in these...and I wouldnt if I didnt know.
I'm here for YOU all....I care about YOU...protecting you...I've said before: it's the teacher in me, I guess--that makes me protective.
I am like a wolf out there...and I wont stand for scammer admins to take any more.
But...people: be prudent...and dont fall for sites that are new ESPECIALLY that offer VERY high roi's without doing some (even) basic DD.
Many hit & runs will occur...then some will set up well to lure more in...
Very soon...scammers will have one less place to hide...good, honest admins will have a place to FLOURISH.....and you all will have a place to TRUST in integrity.
As Always,
Happy Surfing
before I answer another email with the same things...I'll just post quickly here:
YES....everything is fine w/ the Network sites....
man...are we spoiled or what?? C'mon...people...go on the forum can count on ONE hand the # of people who think they should have been paid & have not.
No one said all would be done by 5 pm this time....its the first week of the new system..
and new system does NOT equal: red flag here!!!!!!!!!!
Stormy is exhausted....that woman slept the entire Labor Day weekend after working 96 hrs in 3 days when AP had their brain fart on mass payouts...
She was close to collapse...and probably HIT collapse...and dehydration.
So..she hasnt posted on the, she hasnt babied you all week w/ those bullet fast pm's...let her work...let her recover....GEEZ!!
This is why I couldnt run a surf site...this type of whining would drive me to drink more than I do now....
up until NOW...these sites were PERFECT!!!! Guess what? It's not possible for humans to be PERFECT 100% of the time...God knows I think I have to be...and she is the same way.
Working hard until she almost collapses...JUST to make YOU ALL happy...
She is a woman of utmost integrity...compassion...and business savvy.
It's past 5've not been paid? Wow---cry me a river--
how often has that happened in the last 4 months???????
NO, this isnt a sign its dying...I see that on forums I am on...and I will blast you.
Pathetic...have some damn loyalty....have some empathy...
you dont have it EXACTLY when you think you should...and you whine?
I'm sorry...I cant handle whining...just cant.
I know the volatility & lying scum bags in this industry lately have you all on edge...I understand...but, dont jump to negativity 2 hrs past when you think you should be paid.
I'm calling Stormy later tonight...make sure she is NOT overdoing it...
Will update tomorrow on some additional things...
Excerpt from an email this morning--(the man even insults my dying mother)...
"I care less about you or your half ass attempts to screen programs. Even you admit making mistakes and causing problems for sites. From what I can tell, your blog doesn’t get hit anyways, no one looks at it. If you can afford any domain, then put your money where your mouth is and look respectable. You use your sob stories of momma in chemo to gain some pity as if you got bad enough luck, “listen to me, I’ve been there, I’m there.”
I don’t spend my time pandering about worrying about you. It took only 4 minutes total to change the pic and add that page. I would have to say you need more schooling and less thinking ."
and this excerpt from his own forum dogging me out some more: what an asshole:
"I don't appreciate her constantly thowing her sob stories out for the sake of pity. This shows how low someone can go to make a buck. "Help me, my Mommies got cancer She's on Chemo, I need sympathy money, blah blah blah" I get emails everyday for handouts, it's a scam, don't fall for it!!!! This one is a sly dog, a fox out to eat your children, a devious Vee a pickpocket. "
This man does not deserve to be supported at all...and if you are a fan or follower of mine and you don't exit his NOT email me again. Any supporter of that pig is no friend to me. That makes me physically ill....that because I keep my followers posted on my mom...he makes it out like I am begging for money. What does my mom having cancer have to do with ME needing money...??????????????? This is an inhumane bastard and he is stupid enough to not know who I am in this industry.
He is beyond belief....I have more IQ & respect in my little finger--than he has in his entire body.
This is his 3rd attempt making it..only to take YOUR MONEY....
he has NO integrity...NONE! Run!
This will be the last post on that son of a bitch...what goes around comes around...and he WILL reap the sowing of being a cruel, coldhearted bastard...
Wow....did I hit a nerve there, sweeties? I am honored to get such coverage on your website.
It's pathetic when an ADMIN of a prog (instead of asking how to remedy things and NICELY discuss issues)...decides to mimic my banner and dedicate an entire page to how unsubstantiated my claims are. First, I was angry....then--as I thought about it--and have realized since my mothers illness that life IS too short...and there will always be cold hearted, arrogant, and blind idiots who dont know how to communicate.
So...that written...I'd like to address a couple of points. One I found MOST humorous was the news on his front page that I cant AFFORD a REAL domain web address (I just use blogspot), how accurate could I be? That one is hilarious. First off..I can afford any domain & website I want...I do my blog as a service to protect them from idiot progs like dailyroi (for one).
I am about to go huge w/ the blog and my "other event" I havent disclosed yet.
It's amazing how HE (admin from dailyroi) can attack ME for not having anything other than ""--when HE--as an ADMIN-- takes security SO lightly as to have OPEN and SHARED servers. Now, he has some hullaballoo about why its not so bad to share servers.
note his point, though, that he WILL be going to dedicated soon...
LMAO...I bet you will obvious.
He spends time explaining how shared servers arent so bad...and how he doesnt want to pass on the "expense" of good dedicated servers on to his members.
HOW ludicrous a conclusion is that? To NOT do EVERYTHING to guarantee YOUR members' money is outrageous. THAT will cost them MUCH, MUCH more in the end...
If it's not such a big deal...why are you now promising to GO dedicated? (hmmmm)
How unprofessional to dog out a former member (yeah, I joined..because someone requested info on them...asked me to join to check things out.)...I would NEVER have posted that prog on this do so would put you ALL at risk.
Do you all want to be a part of a prog with lack of security and an admin who resorts to spending his time attacking a blogger?? and all because I mentioned his server sharing.
I could have EASILY displayed the TRUE Damning evidence of his past domain records...
Did I? No..In a private report..I would have.
I've seen people hit the nail on the head about his former 'adventure" and how it failed...yet, he has the arrogance to come after me simply for posting the TRUTH: Shared & open servers= crap in this volatile time in this industry.
you all cannot imagine what can happen with even an OPEN server....and its "old school' to have one now..and very easy to remedy.
To spend his time & energy on changing & displaying my banner on his front page and his whole bashing page when you click on the banner is astonishing.'s downright hilarious. He first emailed me telling me he didnt appreciate what I posted.
I responded nicely that open & shared servers were NOT good...(and did reiterate to him that Ev1 servers ARE good--which he has)....I ended with telling him I was still here to help...
but, I did also remind him that I would make a much better ally than enemy...(due to the tone of his first email). I posted in no forum about him..only on my blog--which I have every right & responsibility to do. If he doesnt like it: tough shit.
Run a top notch program --or I will hound all of your asses.
If you are a member of this program: you are making a BIG mistake...and I would advise you (based on his ineptness and disregard for security and spending whats necessary to protect YOUR MONEY!!!!!!!!!!) GET OUT NOW!
Run a check on those past domains...not pretty. Be smart: GET OUT! Any admin who resorts to immature & bashing behavior over that is not even worth your time, money, & energy.
On to other, more important items:
Network sites: yeah, TOS changes CAN mean red flags. Let me explain something.
I talked to Stormy in the midst of her 36 hr marathon of payouts (especially when alertpay's mass payouts was on & off)....this woman does it ALL.
SOMETHING had to change to preserve her energy and health.
When I wasnt back to teaching, I would spend 8-10 hrs at a time doing research...and it affected MY health...
This woman has planned the best network of programs you can imagine--with more to come.
I have talked EXTENSIVELY with her on money--
I will continue to put thousands in the programs I love.
This new TOS will save hours of, etc....
People (outside the network) are salivating at the thought of issues here...they all love negativity and promoting bullshit.
There is NOTHING wrong here.....things will transition...and all will go back to smooth flow.
Trust this team...and the fact that they know what they are doing to maintain the programs we all love...I have NEVER seen such a sharp business woman as Stormy...NEVER!
Cut them some slack...some think they are arrogant because they say: " if you don't like things: ask for a refund."
Well, Stormy & that team have no time or energy for negativity and whining.
If you dont agree with things...go somewhere else. There are waiting lines to get in to some of these...and for damn good reason.
She is running a sharp BUSINESS...not a ponzi...not a run of the mill surf site.
The basis/foundation in these is unlike anything I have ever seen. I am honored to work w/ Stormy...and that whole team.
Enough written on that.
I PM'd the main mod there--after he had pm'd me a few times after I joined.
I told him the admin had to, he did...but, we'll have to see what happens.
Any script that allows anyone to change eg acct #'s needs work.
That server set-up was, I hope the admin doesnt let it all go.
I DO know that other forums have claimed they are all ready a scam...and thats not fair.
I was paid according to TOS just 3 days ago...and so were all alertpay members that have reported to me.
Caution? yes, of course...anytime payouts are late...and communication bet caution.
I told all of you not to throw the farm at them...keep your caution on alert...but, dont spread rumors that it's a scam until we know more.
On to the 50/50 rule--I know many people dont like that--but, it makes sense as long as its done reasonably...and not to extinguish cash flow issues.
Midas has a tiered ref commission--so, I dont think cash flow is what sparked this..I think Andrew & Jay are planning ahead...and doing what it takes to maintain longevity.
24Dp/ PDS/PWS: Forget about all of them...sickening turn of events.
Liars...period. I should have NEVER taken 24DP off my caution list back in May.
Once again...I listened to "others' instead of my gut. Will was doing so well..I thought he deserved a shot.
Shame on the stringing a long job...then using PWS as a last hope for people to suck them dry some more. If you're going to be an arrogant least have the goods to back it up.
I will be joining MPVsurf soon...I believe Michael switched to new servers...and I think he is worth a closer look.
XLO: still top notch...
I'm off for sure to check out that hilarious dedication to me on dailyroi (click on the made up mimic banner of mine for "extra fun"). UPDATE: ITS gone, you all missed the fun.
And be sure to stay away...get away...RUN away from that one.
As Aways...
Happy Surfing
(and thanks as always for the supportive emails & love during this time for me & my fam)...
Love all you guys...