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Ok people...update of the week. I had a 2 hr convo w/ Stormy this morning...and I will go through a lot, follow as best you can. I have been bombarded with emails and PM' will cover everything here.

First off: will all work out, ok?
Now, I KNOW many of you are thinking: Hmmmm...funny how things switch right before the BIG payout week...
If you're thinking cash flow issues....that's your decision....I'm telling you Stormy would have been just fine on the money end. The time and physical end? Would have done her in.
MANY of the accts (ES & Surf4mlm) were STILL not rectified (cash balances still off, etc)...
When I talked to her 3 days ago--she was close to closing shop because she had no life left (normal everyday life with her family)...NO ONE could withstand that for this long.

She is NOT a quitter...period--which is why things are still here--changing? YES--gone? NO!
Now...Stormy told me when she switched to bi-weekly payouts--she wanted to do THIS (what was in the email last night) THEN...BUT, she didnt want to make people wait 18 days to make money again...she wanted everyone to be happy. Well, it didnt work out...not without her working another 2 wks solid of 16-18 hr days...more accounts to audit...fix...more late payouts..until the snowball got so big....she would have jumped off a bridge...

SO....this is NOT about cash flow issues for this week. The 40/60 rule is put in place NOW for the NEW 5 sites to halt hit & runners. Hit & runners WERE picking up recently in the network...and I dont care HOW big a prog gets...those over time deplete reserves...and cost everyone success.
40/60: You'll RE-upgrade with 40%......

The new 5 progs' ROI's will be determined BY the MEMBERS....Stormy did say none would be 'lame' ROI's....(no 1%'s)....

The ONLY way in IS to join the Matrix...period. This will enroll you in ALL 5 of the new programs--then you upgrade.
Now...what about our current money in here? ALL balances (surfing & cash) will be added up for all progs together. Whichever amount is BIGGER will be the amount that is split up into ALL 5 of the new progs on a 70/30 basis. 70% will go towards equal upgrades in all 5 surfs...and the 30% will go into your cash balance right away.

Example: You are in 3 of the CURRENT surfs now...your cash balance for ALL surfs together is $1200; your SURFING balance all together is $ 1000. You will get the $ 1200 spread over the 5 surfs using the 70% for upgrades & 30% in cash balances to build on right away.

ANYONE who upgraded in the last 24 hrs is being refunded today! You will NOT lose anything.

We will NOT lose's just being moved to the new 5 sites. The 18 days is necessary to form the ratio of all members' accounts & see which is higher.
This is why you'll need a screenshot/copied image of your back offices...for YOU to see which is higher all together.

The forum is locked right now...because all these issues MUST go through support right now to avoid conflicting questions...answers, etc.
Mods cannot possibly answer all these questions....and we all have them.
Follow the directions in the email...and let the network know simply if you're in or out.
If you opt will be refunded so you lose NOTHING. Whatever you put IN of your own money will be gained back if you choose to leave.

I have looked at the new model...and I wish she had just done this last week instead of going bi-weekly. I told her 3 days ago this wasnt helping her have rest in between...and I felt her wanting to cry many times we talked. Something HAD to change.

So, whine if you want....but, without THIS occuring--we would NOT have anything to earn.
It was this...or NOTHING--and I want you to understand that.
This has been the BEST place to earn off our debts...if she had emailed last night telling us she was done...and couldnt do it anymore--we would ALL be begging for ANYTHING.

Here it is...and it is good. You want longevity? It's here. You want another round of stable sites to earn? You have them.

Last night when I heard (an hr before the email went out)...I was shell shocked as well; confused....and frustrated..I didnt understand it all either...and as a surfer...I saw my hard work for months going...I was wrong--because I didnt understand the concept as well.

You won't lose a dime...Stormy wont let that will just take longer initially right now.
Let the Network thrive once will.

I told her the timing could have been better...and she agreed. I told her what people would think and she went: "Shoot--I was so exhausted--I wasn't thinking of all of those things people would think".
Think all the negative you want...and you have to choose what to believe....but, I am telling you..IMMEDIATE cash flow issues were NOT the reason.
IF it were...she would have re-opened ES and kept surf4mlm WIDE open to anyone who wanted in to cover that.
She thinks like an admin...a sharp business woman...and yes, this timing needed to be planned better--and she admitted that. But, she thinks long term...and not that people think negatively.
She knows this is needed and will keep the network alive for all of us.

Are you in.....or out?

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