New EzsurfnEarn...which I'll support because Stacy & Jason are worth supporting.
Don't forget my warning on &
(see post below)
Don't forget my warning on &
(see post below)
© 2006 Mrsvee's 2 Cents | Blogger Templates by GeckoandFly.
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At least 5050 club is paying unlike EZ and Wicked.
they're paying just fine..
at least wicked & ez's admins dont open 6 surf sites and steal peoples' money in all of them...and at least stacy & jason dont owe people thousands and ran...and still have the balls to open more surfs looking for suckers like you.
LOL...yeah 50/50 club is paying...but for how long??
Stacy and Jason are worth supporting, Charlie isnt.
I owe you a huge apology. Because I have been around as long you have I thought my decisions were the same or better.
I was wrong...your judgment and gutt feel are far better than mine.
I therefore will now become an avid reader.
My sincere apologies and my best to yourself and family for Christmas and 2007.
Stormy lied to you from the get go. you say you knew her business model and yet you insist she never invested in auto surfs. Thats all she invested in and i knew her way before you. I worked with her from day 1 and I know what surfs she was in. Think about it, doesnt it stand to reason that when the 7 sites started having all their problems is the same time many big surfs went down. Then look what happened after that. Where do you think the money went to? It was mostly gone back then, and Stormy kept lieing.