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OK...long(er) update ahead: a lot I want to cover.............

First: new progs I have joined (links at right if you are so inclined)....

24SurfPro: I had joined Treo-Surf and had wanted to join 24surfpro; I feel Bob is heading in the right direction and has worked hard at bouncing back to a level I feel comfy with in supporting him. He has some great ideas for the future--so, I feel his programs are worth looking at.

CEPCoast: Admins of ColonEndParentheses: I had talked to this admin months ago about server 'things'. He was pleasant and very eager to fix anything I saw as troublesome. He now has brought us CEPCoast...a 'plan sharing' type of program--wherein we earn based on what all was brought in that day in earnings. I joined 3 days ago...and have not earned less than 23% yet.
As you surf sites...there is a drop down menu that allows you to 'rate' that particular site...
They only use CEPtrust as a processor..but, it's VERY easy to transfer funds from VM or EG to fund CEPtrust. I had it all done in 10 minutes...
This one is definitely worth looking at...admin team are good people.
I will join the main CEP asap as well...

Newer ones I am STILL thrilled with:
Command Bravo: This 5% daily site (for 30 days) is the same as Earn My Way (for you network people)...there is NO reason NOT to be in this one....
I talk to Matt quite a bit...and every plan he & Isreal told me about months ago that they wanted to do: they have done. How's THAT for positive energy and determination??
Well worth your time. I would go into the whole 'issue' between them (& Desertsky)...and bloodhound...but, I just don't want to...I have enough drama I've been pulled into...don't need more.

Finer Things (XLO's hyip site): Andy continues to impress me...this site and the surf XLO is top notch in my book. There are no glitches...nothing but payouts when promised.
How can you NOT be in these? That's the better question.

Now--on to The Network:

2 sites are up...they need some tweaking in some of the TOS wording...and should be 'surfable' by mid-late next week. Keep in mind that accounts being switched over is VERY tedious work.
Once accounts are double checked for accuracy in the balances...(cant afford mistakes here)...then comes the division of 30% for cash balances & 70% for upgrades. Since the remaining 3 sites are NOT totally up for you to look at...the division of these funds needs to take into account the remaining sites NOT seen yet.
The remaining sites should be up to see in no time...and you'll be very happy with the percentages...and a few surprises are in store to add to the longevity theme. You'll be pleasantly surprised when you see what else is planned...
If I had to use ONE word to explain the reasoning behind these new creations it would be: longevity.
You all need to change your thinking from the fast money coming & going sites to a network of sites that will change your way of making money from a fast paced--wondering how long they will last train of thought---to a slower paced, stable & long term way of planning for your financial future.
For those who like the thrill of the 'gamble'...and you want in & out: you'll need to NOT incorporate these sites in your portfolio--they will NOT be for you.
There is no gaining back your principle and much more in one payout will have to will have to monitor your portfolio here for maximum returns.
Now, I will tell you much of the 'math' I've seen people do on the 40/60 rule regarding how long it takes to 'make money' is incorrect.
Do not think of this 40% sitting in your cash balance as being in a vegetative is NOT.
To YOU...the surfer who has been trained to think of only 'how fast can I get my hands on the most money' may seem like your money is sitting idle; it is NOT.
There is a very detailed and thought out plan that incorporates those funds to increase longevity even more. You will be pleasantly surprised to see how stable and wonderful these plans are.
Some have asked: "Does the 30% that is placed in our cash balances become available for cashout when the first payout time comes?" Answer: 60% of it along with 60% of any cashout pending is yours.
Now: to those who would cry they want it all--you are one who will need to re-train your thinking. Think LONG TERM. Question: Which would you rather have--if you had the choice (which you do):
1) a site where you get everything you want...but only for a limited time & then it's gone?
2) a site where you don't get everything you want (or are used to)...and it's still here in 2 years? (imagine that?)

If you'd rather have option 1--then you need to put your money in the game sites where it's hit or miss. If you are one who wants to have at least SOME sites that you can COUNT ON long term to create a financially sound portfolio...then these sites are for you.
And no one ever said it's these or NONE. Shoot, go play the game on the fast paced ones...if you lose. I'll do both...I am in no way shape or form...a "hit & runner"...
I always look for sites that have some kind of plan...some kind of consistency...and admins who have proven enough integrity that I feel 'ok' with giving them money.
I refuse to join surfs that I 'wonder about'...because if I wonder about their integrity..I would feel as if I am participating in something that I knew most likely would 'screw someone' over very soon...and I just can't knowingly do that.

Ok...on to the one I really am wondering about...(as far as how to write this & be fair to all):

Paidtosurfdaily: Hmmm, you bad will you blast them?
well, not as bad as you may have expected.
Why? Lots of reasons...for one..I was dragged into this (long story)......someone on The Network Reloaded forum asked me about this one-- one evening...and when I saw the sites on there connected to Will...I was like: 'Hmmmm--imagine that'...
I posted on TNR forum that I saw some connections to Will..and that was it.
On ASA the next night..I was approached by 3 people inquiring, also..I posted what I posted on TNR forum and that was it.

It turned into a frenzy...
Now, before I go further here...I want to say that I have never really been a fan of Will's...(even when I buckled & joined 24DP & PDS)..I wasn't. I never thought he communicated well...I never thought he was totally competent--and that's how I feel.

I know many people that made quite a bit with 24DP before all the 'issues' took it down...
I never really made a killing...because I refused to put big money in...I actually lost money in 24DP...and lost about $ 50 bucks in PDS.
I know many who are furious at Will...and when I saw yet another site by him..I was, also.
I was upset that he didn't come out right away as the owner. Yes, he knew that people wouldn't upgrade...but, that is NOT a valid reason to not proclaim it's yours.
Lying is more than bluntly telling is also hiding info that you know will create a reaction in people you do not want to occur.
Now, I will NOT get into what I think about SSM NOT releasing this...because it's none of my business. (I know you're all thinking: when did that stop you before?)
SSM, as a monitor, CANNOT release private info on progs & admins' names IF these people do NOT want it released for whatever reason. So, they (SSM) were caught in a catch-22 there.
Did they know people would NOT upgrade had they known it was Will? Yep...
I bet SSM went to Will...and told him: you better reveal who you are...and that's probably a part of the reason why...
Of course...the fact that it was uncovered all ready probably had something to do w/ that, also.
What you need to ask (and what has plagued me for days now) is WHY SSM (namelyTodd) IS supporting Will? Hmmm...that's been my lingering question for days now.
Many of you never got to know Todd well...he was usually more behind the scenes...but, I can tell you that it was the fact that Todd was still supporting Will that bugged me a lot & made me wonder what else there was to this story. Keep in mind that Todd lost a bunch w/ 24DP as well.
I set out to find as much of the truth as possible...god knows I try to be fair...but, I've always known Todd to be one who hates cheats & scammers almost as much as, I was dumbfounded as to how he could still be supporting Will.
When I questioned this, I found out that there is 'alleged' proof that some have seen backing up the claims of most of this money being stolen...apparently, SSM --as well as other admins who came out in support of Will--have seen the proof and feel confident that much of this is valid. They feel Will was stolen from in large quantities...and the rest was out of his hands....and he has come back many times trying to find ways to 'rebound' well as make things right w/ former members.
NOW...this is the tough part: do I believe it? I haven't SEEN the proof with my own eyes...nor have I talked to Will...
The essence of this is to say that there are always 2 sides...and my belief is: the truth is usually somewhere in the middle.
Do I think Will messed up things? I think he could have done a MUCH better job of protecting things? Probably...
Do I think he is a true scammer? That one...I am still 'out on'...
I would rather hold my opinion there...because until I see all the facts to make up my own mind..I don't really know. ONLY WILL really knows the whole deal here...and what was really taken...what was left...what all he could have done differently to produce a different outcome. The rest of this is speculation.
I have to respect the fact that SSM and other admins who I respect are choosing to believe what has been presented to them. That, in itself, causes me to want to step back--just to see if what they believe COULD have some reality to it.
It's their choice to support or not support.

I think Will constantly bringing back other progs is not the my opinion..until he is able to rectify ALL past issues--he will never have enough support to bring him out of this hole.
Will has had trouble making any site work since the 'good days' of 24DP...
...why? Because every new venture results in loss again...and when it comes to loss of money: people are NOT forgiving.
If you make them money: you are their hero...if you lose them money (especially multiple times) are their target practice for hatred.
Don't expect it to be any different! I can't blame one person for 'not liking' Will...or calling him names...if he had only failed at ONE site...and was trying to remedy it...people would be ready to try again. BUT...for so many failed attempts and losses to be incurred for so many? It's unrealistic to expect anyone to fall over themselves getting to these programs.
Will needs a true plan to refund people withOUT using new sites to do it; someone will pay who doesn't deserve to pay.
Example: If my neighbor goes to the race track & loses 20k, would he expect for all his neighbors to repay his debt for him? Hell no...
This is why opening new sites in the hopes that ENOUGH will be made to not only repay former members AND create profit for new members is NOT REALISTIC and NOT FAIR.
Not after all of this time...not after all the failed attempts.
Do I think Will wants to make things right? For some unfathomable reason: I think, maybe, he does. Like I wrote: my jury is still out on that one...but, I can't help but wonder if MAYBE so much did get out of his control..that this snowball now is so large he just cant control it.
Yet...he DOES want to find some way to remedy it. I truthfully just don't know.
All I feel is that there IS something valid that makes some admins (who I trust)...and SSM to believe this. THAT makes it worth it to me to LOOK closer.
If after I see what they have seen; I come to believe that my doubt of "Will the Scammer' was misplaced...I will tell you.

I DO wish Will would find other ways to pay people back...and until these issues are remedied...(not trying to be--but ARE)...there will be NO support from me. The ONLY thing I am willing to offer at this the desire to find out more...give the chance to see ALL the evidence...I do know that every site that starts of his again & fails...and I see more people losing money, being hurt and makes me even hotter under the collar...and more ready to blast away.
I cannot agree w/ starting site after site only to have them fail...there is something wrong in that's obviously NOT the answer. It only adds to the list of failed attempts and people who are angered.

I wish I had never been dragged into this...and my time is limited anyway.
So everyone knows: I'll be heading up to my mom's early this, if no updates are here for a bit...and longer times in between email & Pm replies--you'll know why.
My time and energy will be totally directed now towards her & my, please understand..and continue to pray & send best wishes.

It means SO very strengthens me emotionally to have such caring people take their time to send me stories of how they went through similar things, etc..
It's amazing how small a world we really live in.
Even though people can be VERY nasty & very selfish...
I see so many that are the opposite...very warm, loving, caring people who make all of this worthwhile.
It is for YOU all who follow my blog & gain insight/help...that I do this for.

My Matrix (The Oracle) that will replace my surf tutor program should be up & going very soon...(as well as that other venture some of you know about)...

Long enough update..I'm tired...

As Always,

Happy Surfing

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