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ok...time to update on MANY things: Long one...but, worth reading (IMHO):

I can't seem to shake the negative feelings I have about this industry as a whole--and, that's probably a good thing. I was told by someone last night that I have too much 'estrogen' (lol)...
well, yeah...we females will have that tendency...(thank god)...
It's funny...I was talking to Leo (Drunkonlife) the other night and mentioned that same thing...people tell me to 'let things go'...and I answer: I guess it's the 'woman thing' that makes me more emotional at times. There IS no room for being a 'softy' (of course my 'softy' side is geared toward the people...and feeling despair for them when they lose--especially if it's due to me--)--
There is no room for trust--relationships w/ admins--false honesty--belief that integrity resides in this industry--or any other 'happy, happy, joy, joy' feelings.
I was told to get back that tough skin I possessed months ago--before "Stormy" sabotaged my trust and belief that admins in this industry COULD be 'good' somehow.
I agree that my 'tough' nature must return full throttle--and it shall. I'm back to being 'me'--whether some like it or not: I will call it as I see it--and if I do: I have the proof: period.
Take it--leave it: I don't care. If you don't like it...move on and read some happy--happy--joy--joy BS somewhere else; where fantasies thrive and realism is ignored.
I'm not meaning that there aren't good people in this industry--there are. There are 'good' admins (course...'good' is a relative term...a truly UNdefined word)...
there are certainly good surfers....people like the rest of us...just looking for a way to earn some extra the bills and MAYBE have something left over to treat our families to something nice.
My convo last night with a friend had us relaying how 'simpler' things were 'back in the good times'--then we realized: there really werent 'good times'--it was just different.
We both asked ourselves: " why do we do this?" "are we really helping?" " is it worth the 'feelings' we ALL have? (Once again...back to the misconception that most of us CAN keep some type of feeling out)...
I ask myself that question daily anymore--I am working on ways to get over my utter contempt for many people/admins/scams/lies/deceit/dishonesty/lack of integrity.
If I am to stay in this rat-race, I WILL have to accept things as they are--and quit fooling myself in thinking that there ARE TRULY honest and altruistic admins.
They all, in one way or another, make decisions based on less than honest intentions. This industry has a way of 'softening' the lines of where character and deceit lie.
It 'softens' the conscience into justifying certain areas. The thought process of: 'the end justifies the means' comes to mind.
I read a post from someone I used to trust and care for that stated this:(paraphrased) "When people constantly question an admin after their hard work--I don't blame certain admins for closing up shop and TAKING OFF WITH FUNDS".
Let me explain something: there is NEVER a reason or justification to 'run off with funds'...
That's an example of how this industry allows people to justify bullshit actions.
I think this happens to MANY admins (who WERE honest to begin with)...they work hard to make members happy...then something legit DOES happen to throw a curve in the plans..
Admins work harder to rectify the situations...people begin whining & complaining (which god knows they can do)....admins work harder...people whine some more...and before you know it: admins justify their hard work for no gratitude and figure: "screw them all--I'll just take whats mine"...I bet this happens more than we think. (enter Dave Cannard theory #1A)

Now, many of you may have heard that I plan on opening up a site. Yes, it's a risk--but, I will vow to always be honest IF things arise that will throw a curve in my plans.
There is a wonderful team of people ready to go...(many of us screwed over by TN)...since, "Stormy" obviously didnt think our ideas and brain power were 'enough'...we will put it to good use on our own concept.
This will NOT be thrown will be months before it comes to fruition...and you can bet: when it does--all T's will be crossed--and all I's dotted.
If the plan cannot guarantee enough backup plans and reserves for disasters and months to come--it wont happen. I will NOT operate a ponzi...EVER!!!!!!!
Just a 'heads-up' that it's being worked on. Since I cannot trust most admins TRULY...I know I can trust ME and the team in place to make a safe place for people.
I wanted to work on a recovery plan for TN's site--but, have recently discovered that what I thought was real--is not. I want to distance myself from as many memories there as humanly possible. I want to be excited about MY plans...not rescuing a sunk ship caused by the lack of many things somewhere else. I wanted to help the members there any way I could to recover any funds....I feel a responsibility to all TN members. I decided my plan will be best served giving them a new place to be...Stay Tuned!

Now...on to other 'industry' news:
  • Command Bravo is back and paying!! I mentioned before that I missed this site. Matt & Israel have worked hard to make something here...they don't give up...they try to make plans to make their sites even better. They have been around longer than most. I, for one, will be sinking more of my funds here....I implore you all to support these 2 guys.
    I talk to Matt on a regular basis--and I feel they deserve much more support than they have gotten. They WANT to treat members right; please give them this chance. Payouts have started...and will continue the next few days until all are paid. I was paid 2 nights ago: Thanks, guys.
  • DSM is due back Friday...I have missed this site as well. Dustin has some great plans on making DSM a great site again as well. It's worth looking at seriously, too.
  • Manic Ads: Wow...impressive. Many ideas I had for a site I see here. Mike has outdone himself....I still find new things here I didn't know were there. I see this one becoming HUGE in the next month or two.
  • Denali-surf: I've had some opportunities to talk to Ryan here at Denali. He, too, is sick of the bullshit in this industry. He has some interesting plans for the future.
  • Coastin88 & CEPC: Love these sites. Trevor is looking into ways to make CEPTrust as legit as possible. I was concerned with this--as I was TSMC--I know Trevor & his team will work on this to make sure no loopholes are overlooked. More on this later.
  • AS49: Mike continues to do well--I enjoy this site very much. I get paid in 8-9 'normal' days everytime. The routine there is very predictable--which is a good thing.
  • Trickle Down Cash: a new one I joined. I like the low roi and the fact that Miriam has been plugging along for a year now. She flies under the radar--which is good. No drama here, folks...just a good admin who works on keeping members happy.
  • Eleven-11-surf: I wanted to make sure everyone knew this is a good site. Brenda is a wonderful woman...who deserves support. My funds slowed to the point where I had to narrow it down to a few sites. My upgrade expired here and I hadn't upgraded in awhile--that's been remedied--as Brenda does a great job and has that personal touch.
  • The Ultimate Surf: Nick continues to make his program stronger..and I will continue to support him. He is worth supporting, people. NO referral commission--BUT, who cares? I'll take him anyday and twice on Sunday.

Other-not so heartwarming news-:

  • 24Daily Pro revival? PLEASE!!!!!!! PTSD can't pay...(as most of Will's other sites haven't), since he needs attention drawn away from those disasters--he wants us to believe he has found a way to refund 24DP members and restart it?? I have some beach front property for sale in Arizona, too...interested??? How many times will people fall for the same bullshit stories from the same admins? I know we all want to believe--but, fall for this one at your own peril.
  • PTSPAYpro: I don't like what I am seeing--something IS rotten in Denmark here, people...and it isn't the food. We'll see what develops. Always drama...who knows what Terry really wanted to do with that 70k--he could very well have wanted to use it for investments...or not. We'll never know. The amts in Terry's TSMC account should have been kept quiet, though...see what I mean about this industry? It never end...Terry did refund members....and he did spend time getting the site back..why run now? Whether Terry's 'feud' with Will is real or not--we don't know. Maybe he did see the light and distanced himself from "Slick Willy" and is trying to make a good site (even though that ROI is a gamble)...It does provide some entertainment, though...I'm sure things will come to light (as much as they can) soon enough.
  • 5050club: seems Charlie fulfilled his destiny once again and stopped paying. Poor guy: did I make your membership & upgrades take a tumble?? GOOD. Get lost, asswipe. Crawl back in that hole where you belong. I hope to send some more of your 'friends' down there with you.
  • 150Profitsurf & 125surf: I will post the data soon so you all can see the comparisons on the connection here. Caution advised.
  • XLO sale: No, I wasn't happy...still am not. I will miss Andy as the admin here. He built something I stated on TSL: Andy did what he had to do; I won't pretend to understand it all...most XLO members probably don't have a problem with T., at least members will not have their money in cyberspace indefinitely now. That's the positive side--and isn't that what makes the surf world continue to rotate: getting paid? You bet it is...face it--it's what matters to people the MOST.
  • Jason & Stacy from WH, EZ, and Dimension sites: I think they're working hard..I pray they don't give up making things right.
  • John at Fairpatton: People who live in glass houses should think twice before they cast stones. If you people thrive on- and believe in- double standards: he's your man.
  • Brian Sams: What a waste of time....very disappointing!!!!
  • Midas-surf: LOSERS!! Dont anyone dare put another dime in here...SAD!! What's really low is using one's disability to make people think you're somehow more trustworthy. LAME. For the record--when Andrew claimed TN owed him a BUNCH and I told him to send me transactions...and he said he would: He never did. If I thought someone could help me muddle through it all...I would have. He did NOT!
  • Blue Heaven Emails: More NOT believe their bullshit. I will be looking closer at Mr. Ben's info.. until then--don't anyone fall for their song & dance. Pathetic losers!! I even gave them 3 chances to contact me--NOTHING!!

I'm done for today--some shoutouts to:

  • Andrew at AutosurfingPros: this guy is fantastic...I love him to these podcasts, people...very enlightening and real. I hope to make time very soon to be on his show. God knows, the poor guy has waited long enough for me...(lol)..
  • Stephen & Teri Lynn from GEM: true integrity here, wont find too many more honest, decent, and wonderful than these two.
  • The many 'wounded' souls from the former TN mod squad and coaches team: Love you guys...thanks for the memories...and I look forward to making some long lasting ones with all of you...thanks for the love & support.

As always,

Happy Surfing

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