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Ok....back from my weekend at my parents...and I will now clarify ONCE and for ALL some misconceptions. Everyone READ ACCURATELY AND COMPLETELY...INSTEAD OF POSTING IN PLACES HOW SOME OF US SPECULATE WITH NO FACTS.
Everything I have EVER posted about Bob Krimm IS based on, writing how some of us bloggers only speculate right BELOW where we post facts is bogus.

I was away long enough to realize why this industry SUCKS!! My weekend was backstabbing free, no lies...why? Because I stayed off of forums...I come back to pathetic posts where people CLAIM what I've posted in other places...and one email where more misconceptions are brewed. It's done...this is the LAST time I will post on Bob Krimm...I'm so sick of his name I could puke anyway...

Before I begin--let me preface this with my overall disgust at this whole industry since Sandra Gant proclaimed her 'quest' for screwing people over.
I am definitely more negative than usual...BUT, I don't think thats all bad--because it will not allow me to ever lose my objectivity again.
Why is it that Krimm followers can give advice about how I was wrong to take what Sandra said at face value...yet thats exactly what they do with Bob...not easy, is it???
EVERY popular program that has EVER been out there has had it naysayers...and they all get blasted from the ones who believe in a program.
WE all have done, don't jump on your damn high horses too much when someone ELSE does it...OR when its done about an admin you DO or do NOT like.
I realized that since I bought Sandra's bullshit...hook, line, & sinker...then I have no right to wonder why others do it with other admins.
I don't give a rats ass what you all want Bob? There he is...go be with him.
At least he pays...I don't care anymore how he makes his money...he IS making GO!
You have a right to be IN his progs...I have the right to NOT be...obviously, I'm not some ref whore...or I'd be on the Krimm chariot like many of you.

For the record, here are the beefs I had with Bob...these are the ONLY ones...

1) He lied about his application for his processor being pending and awaiting approval in January--it was a LIE. Period. All you have to do is call the agent in Michigan who processes them and request the list (if its not now available online)....Bob wasn't there!!!!
I only wonder if some of us hated bloggers did NOT dig on this...would he have moved at all? Or would he have put members monies at risk of a cease & desist??? I don't know...& don't care now.

2) His unprofessional and immature video bashing me when I made it clear to Brookie that the stupid bankruptcy thing would never be shared. How many freaking times do I have to post this?? I ran into it in a comprehensive check...I didn't one cares...
Bob made himself the martyr by acting like Big. Bad Vee was after him when all he does is try to be good to people....(whaaaaaaaa)....
I was in 2 of his progs...and liked was all blown way out of proportion...
Bob either likes to portray himself as the victim from all of us 'meanies'...or the big savior..
you know what?? whoever you want, Bob....I don't CARE!!!

3) The way he let Jake take the fall for the Terry incident. BOB gave Jake that info...divulged the info....yet, he gave TERRY the benefit of the doubt over those damn screenshots..NOT Jake--his friend. Thats what set me off that one night on ASA...I heard Jake's voice...all bummed...and Sandra's disloyalty wasn't too dim in my mind..and I got angry...
I told Jake to tell everyone that Bob told him...why was he taking the fall?? I guess Jake just didn't want to lash BACK out at Bob did him.

I have made THAT clear as well, yet its ignored. I do NOT think he is one...I think he wants these progs to be HUGE...I think he wants to make sure what happened to his wife doesn't happen to anyone else...I DO think Bob wants to build something good for his members...
there hasn't been ONE damn email or post where someone who cares for me AND is in Bobs programs hasn't asked me: should I leave Bobs programs?? and I've said YES...I ALWAYS tell them to stay IN...not to be silly and let MY dislike for Bob stand in the way of them --or anyone--making money....If I thought Bob was a scam artist (like Sandra)...I would tell them to RUN. Have I ever?????????????????? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEVER....and I'm sick & damn tired of people twisting what I post and making it out like I ever called him that...or said he is a ponzi..

5) Ponzi...I have NEVER said he is one now...I think Bob has made sure he isn't...

ALL of this is moot anyway....because I started this digging on his processor...(and please keep in mind..Bobs PROGS have NEVER been questioned by me...ONLY his processor)...

I actually believed admins COULD be real...genuine...trustworthy...etc...
That has ALL changed, I have a different feeling toward the whole Bob Krimm deal.
I will keep a safe distance from all admins...if they need me; I'll be there to help. But, if & when I see those red flags...and I hear a BS story..I will post that I think it's more 'wanting to believe in Sam, Dick, Harry, or the point where I get logic muddled'. I now will go into these conversations with the knowledge that I will probably be getting a small-medium sized song & dance...

Since I don't think any of them can be trusted for too long....then how can I say anything against Bob--because of a few dishonest moments?? God knows Sandra built up to MONTHS of lies...

If I cant trust someone I spoke to on the phone 3-5x a day for 6 months...I cant trust any of them for too long...or with too much.
I think Bob has NO intention of I wonder how long Sandra had her plan TO do this?? I am confused...angry...and full of distrust and sickened by the lack of loyalty...
I have learned there is no place for all just want to make, go do it.

Just don't be naive like I was and take EVERYTHING any admin says at face value (like they'll be here forEVER.....that cant happen...even if they bust it TRYING)...

You all who bitched & moaned about my trust in're doing the same thing.
So, when you take the moat out of YOUR eye...then come pick my splinter out...
I'm sick of the double standards....backstabbing...
I could be a total bitch and out of my dislike for Bob all these months...I could be a lame ass and yell: Bobs a ponzi...bob's a scammer...but, I never did...because I didn't believe that.

I posted some facts...clear ones...easily verified for anyone who cares about looking up something on your own...NOT speculation...FACT. If you all don't care...why should I?
I see things differently now...
I will concentrate on catching the former scammer sons of bitches from coming back and screwing you all...and I will be able (if I'm looking at it) to catch admins who plan on hitting & running.
I ran a full check on Sandra....just to make SURE I wasn't fooling myself....(see, I didn't just do it on Bob...I did it on HER, too)....
It's obvious some of these admins change...get greedy....go hormonal...or whatever their lame reasoning is for screwing us over.
Don't forget my motives ARE to protect...I didn't want Bobs processor to be illegal and then he gets a cease & desist ordered...then where would all your monies have been?? In the same damn place as 12DP monies.
The bloggers who seem to be 'causing trouble'--some of us are the very ones naive' enough to think people actually CARE about ANYTHING other than making money.
Some say: thats what we're here for....maybe they're right.
If thats what they want....fine. I don't care...
I've lost my desire to carry the integrity fire is gone for that.
I'll do what I do....try to help those who want it....
Many want to only point out my one ever remembers the HUNDREDS I've called's more fun to notice the bad...its human nature.
Jake on ASA knows...he knows how many I pegged correct when I was picking premiums there eons ago... one knows those...and thats ok. Anyone can have good records when they have just started...or pick the best ones...(even 4 months ago...anyone could tell by logic that Bob would boom...)....
Try doing this for 16-18 months...& we'll see how high & mighty you are then...

My energy is being spent on a plan to nail Sandra Gant's ass to the wall...

She took on the wrong person...I spent time with my dad this weekend (the one who is good friends with not only US Marshalls--but, US DEPT of Justice people...and a couple of secret service agents--as well as HUNDREDSSSSSSSSS of REAL advertising gurus)...
So, the visit yielded 4 things:

1) splendid ideas on how to nail Sandra
2) splendid ideas on how to make MY site more legit than any before (cant give that secret away just yet....but, its my dad's contacts that will make this a dream)...
3) time with my wonderful mom & dad
4) time with my sister who has her bridal shower...(upcoming wedding on Feb 10th)..

I want you all to know that I am more negative and, I'll apologize in advance.
I felt better being away over the weekend...I realized how caught up I get in this craziness...and I'm sorry for my emotions getting in the way sometimes. I'm doing something about it...
I feel responsible for anyone I brought to TN...the hurt any of you are going through...much less money lost. I'm sorry....I am building a site that will have TRUE outside sources...
this is different than what you're used to.....(as far as outside revenue), you'll see soon.

And to Mr. Krimm: "Bob...I only cared about your processor as well...I cared when Jake was, I'm sorry for the unprofessional remark on ASA...that's not like, I'm sorry.
I DO NOT think you're a scammer...I hate that all of this has gone crazy.
Since I dont think you want your members hurt (like Sandra did to all of us)...
I guess I have no reason to post anything else about you...everyone heard my beefs...and they are OVER now...
I do wish you and your progs the best...the industry needs them..."

The Krimm comments, for me, are done......unless something new falls in my lap..I'm done with the same crap over & over. The nasty shit is eating me up...Sandra's shit is enough for me to deal with...I just dont care anymore about what he's doing...not doing.....who's in...out...
unless he's doing something REALLY bad....I dont want to know, hear, see...anything else.

I'm done with most things-------

9 Responses to “”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    {{{{{ Mrsvee }}}}}


  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    WHAAAA!!! poor jake was hurting. cry me a river. For petes sake he is a grown man and should be able to take it. Thats what he gets for do that to PTS after has has already profitted big. The skype was real and there is no evidence to suggest other wise. but it give you another reason to hate bob so go for it. Why dont you comment on important things like why is it taking so long to get checks from Bob or Bank wires. Hise forum is like Saddam is running it. What about when yo think you TSMC account might be hacked the only way to contact them is an email that they promise they will answer in 48 hours, and then they dont. mean while you cant get in to your account and your hoping no one else is.  

  3. # Blogger Mrsvee

    I dont hate Bob...
    and I cant comment on why his checks take so long...or wires...I dont know.
    I dont go to that, I cant comment on the "Saddam nature" of it--as you state.

    I'm sure if you pm Brookie with concerns about your TSMC acct...she will work on it...
    Hope you feel better...  

  4. # Anonymous Anonymous

    sorry mrsvee i am not trying to take any anger out on you. with what i posted above. i know your not in bobs sites. but it has made me sick lately to see the different bloggers complain about this guy and that guy. my point was if your going to pick a bone with bob, pick a bone on the things thats arent getting done around there, and yes getting his business licensed was a good one. keep up the good work, try to stay away from the bickering  

  5. # Blogger Mrsvee

    very good advice...and you're right--which is why Bob & I finally had a very nice discussion on the phone yesterday...we both feel better at finding some middle ground.

    Thanks again!!  

  6. # Blogger Autosurf Dummy

    Hi, Vee,
    Good to see you posting again. Sandra has hurt you badly but this is all in the name of the game.

    Trust do not go a long way but we do let emotions get in the way of our judgment at times.

    Do not be harsh on yourself.  

  7. # Blogger Mrsvee

    But, I MUST be hard on myself when I fail badly...its how I know?

    I learned...and thats the ultimate 'good' that came from this..
    Now, on to doing whatever we can legally to have some recompense..
    Thanks again...  

  8. # Blogger CharlieB

    Hi MrsVee,

    So glad to see you were able to get away from it all for a couple days.

    I see you take all the criticism to heart and I'd like you to remember all of us who deeply appreciate people like you that are on the net trying to help - you may not see our posts as much but we do appreciate you. You're so visible arrows will always come your way by those who seem to turn off their brain when they turn on their computer.

    I'm accepting my relationship with Sandra as part of my learning curve, it was also personal,disappointing and hurtful for me (I'm half tempted to post her address)- but in the end I feel I've gained a lot from the experience. I know it went deeper for you, you're involved in all this so much more. Hope you can step away from it more often, we need to take care of ourselves.

    Just wanted to say there's a lot of us that do care for you!!


    aka HorizonCkr  

  9. # Blogger doc mercer


    If you only knew the "real" Sandra Gant your jaw would drop to the floor

    HER ENTIRE ADULT LIFE - based on lies, affairs and now on the run

    Nice, huh?  

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